Sundek The Bay of the Sun
Sundek proposed BeyondCreative to bring their brand to life in Fortnite Creative. In this experience called ‘The Bay of the Sun’ players were brought to be beach where they could play with and against each other in up to 8 different games, ranging from parkouring the building to various different races including surfing. Throughout the experience we featured the iconic Sundek branded surfboards and shorts which gave the players special powerups.
Along with the experience, Beyond was in charge of designing the 4x Key Art renders.
Along with the release of the experience, Sundek launched an event in Milan where Italian streamers played the experience in front of hundreds of fans.

Game Content

Render 1

Render 4

Render 3

Render 2

In Person Event

Sundek Products
Custom minuature surfboards and shorts were sculpted and placed throughout the experience giving players unique powerups.

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